A case study showing a collaboration between REI, an outdoor leisure company, and Adventure Time, an animated show on Cartoon Network. Both REI and Adventure Time cater to people who are campers, adventurers and nature enthusiasts. By using the characters from Adventure Time to leverage the products sold at REI, it creates potential to up sales. The creative was driven by the campaign hashtag #ForEveryAdventurer. We picked 5 characters from the show to represent a different kind of adventure (i.e. “solo”, “technical” and “fancy”) and created a personalized REI online shopping experience as well as collateral material.I was responsible for the Lumpy Space Princess content. She is a character in Adventure Time who is sassy and entitled and I wanted to showcase that through the “Fancy Adventure Pack” by having her endorse products that could be used for glamping or decor. The poster and tote are also a part of Lumpy Space Princess’s pack. I wanted the visual language as well as the tone in the text to fit with REI’s preexisting promotional products while staying on brand for Lumpy Space Princess.